Indoor Climate

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Use Plants as Air Purifiers and Improve Indoor Air Quality

Use Plants as Air Purifiers and Improve Indoor Air Quality

Written by Hans AugustenborgJune 2nd, 2024 — 7 minute reading time      Did you know that indoor air is often more polluted than outdoor air? Particles from cooking, wood-burning stoves, off-gassin...

Humidity is crucial for a healthy indoor climate: Here's how to improve it

Humidity is crucial for a healthy indoor climate: Here's how to improve it

Written by Hans AugustenborgMay 29, 2024 — 6 minute reading time   Indoor climate is a significant invisible problem, and far too many people don't give it the proper health focus. In fact, leading...

Create a Healthy and Fresh Work Environment: Guide to Optimizing the Indoor Climate at the Office

Create a Healthy and Fresh Work Environment: Guide to Optimizing the Indoor Climate at the Office

Written by Hans AugustenborgJune 17th, 2024 — 8 minute reading time     Eight hours. That's how long most of us spend at our workplace every day. If you sit in front of the screen for all those eig...